
  • Are you able to visit local / regional family history research centres?
  • Do you like looking at old documents?
  • Do you have any language / writing skillls?
  • Do you have any organisational / financial skills?
  • Do you like to do research?
  • Do you like being part of a team?
  • Do you have any financial and/or booking keeping experience
  • Do you have any social media experience
  • Do you have any computer technical experience?

... and most importantly .... do you have some spare time?

The Metcalfe Society is currently run by a VERY small group of volunteers who find some time to help run the society and coordinate and participate in the projects.   Due to age and health problems, and to help the longer term sustainability of the society, we need new volunteers who have all sorts of skills to help even you have just a couple of hours a month.

If you are interested in finding out how you can help The Society, which in turn can help you and your fellow members, please contact our Volunteers Coordinator   (see   Contacts) to have a chat about your interests to see how you can help. Such discussions are totally without any obligation, and it would be nice to hear from you too.

Our aim is to have fun whilst sharing in delivering the various projects which have the Metcalfe name, history and genealogy at its centre.