Current Projects

Current and recent projects

The Metcalfe Society is currently run by a VERY small group of volunteers who find some time to help run the society and coordinate and participate in the projects

There are a number of ongoing projects that are currently in progress as below.   Please follow the links to find out more about each project to see how they can be of interest and value to you. Also please take a look at the Volunteering Opportunities to see how you can help The Society; to see how you can help just a little bit to support these projects - even if you could spare just a couple of hours a month, for example. There are a vast range of skills needed. If you are interested in joining the research group, or have a topic you are interested in that you would like more information on, please let us know. Every little helps!

Family Trees

We ask members to send a copy of their Family Trees to The Society. The details of the individuals on the family tree are checked and incorporated into the main Metcalfe ‘Mecca Index’ and help to provide a wider picture of any individual and their family. Much of the information on our database is based on submissions from our members own Birth Briefs, which is their introduction to the family.


The Wills project has had a team of volunteers transcribing wills to make   them available to members for research via the Members Room. New wills are added as they become available.


From your DNA you can discover where your ancient ancestors came from around the world. For instance how much of your DNA is Native American, Jewish or African? This is not like traditional genealogy and does not provide information on tracing present day relatives. Find out more and what is involved in this new project that uses the latest in DNA testing. The Metcalfe DNA project concentrates on the male line only, and so provides clear lines of descent through the Metcalfe line.

Metcalfes in the First World War

This project was aimed at recording and publishing information about what our ancestors were doing at the time of the First World War. Not only those in the armed forces or nursing, but those who remained at home, perhaps on the land or working in munitions. The resulting publication and database contains much of the information collected


You may be looking for a particular Metcalfe in a particular parish ..... and so need to do some research? STOP! Before you get started.... someone may have already done the research and sent it in to The Society, and therefore completed the work for you!!! Search the ‘List of Lists’ to find out if that data has already been researched. The Lists consist of records collected directly in Archive Centres and Record Offices often pre-computers, as well as, more recently, online resources.

Where in the World

The name ‘Metcalfe’ (and all spelling variants of course) appear all around the world - whether they are shops, streets, towns, companies, famous people etc. Take a look at Where in the World   you can see the Metcalfe name.

Rowe Image Library and Gallery

The Image Library ‘Metcalfe’ is a new project aiming to provide as comprehensive a collection of Metcalfe related images as possible. It was launched at the recent AGM and Muster. This includes People, Places and other items of interest to the Family. You are invited to add your own images connected to your family or your researches. Take a look at TMS Image Library   and you can enjoy the images there, and perhaps add to them?