Why Join The Metcalfe Society?

“If you have a family link in Yorkshire, somewhere in your past there will be a Metcalfe.”
... or so the saying goes!

o you have a Metcalfe, Metcalf, Medcalfe, Medcalf, Midcalfe, Midcalf (or any other variant) amongst your ancestors?

With a master database of thousands of Metcalfe records, we can help you find them.

What do you get when you join The Metcalfe Society?

* Direct search access via the Internet to nearly 111,000 records consisting of individual entries of Metcalfe family members - births, baptisms, marriages, deaths, wills, hearth taxes etc.

* A research service from our archivist if you don’t have access to the Internet or want some help.

* Learn about and participate in key research projects such as - DNAWills.

* Links to members - past & present through your own ‘Birth Brief’.  Just complete the BB form you will receive on joining.

* Over many years, The Society published the award-winning journal Mecca News for new information and general topics, and stories of interest on Metcalfes past &present.  Following the retirement of our Editor, we now send members an e-journal bi-monthly with news and articles of interest.

* You will be invited to our Annual AGM, currently held online but with plans for a live meeting.

* Invitation to the FREE Mecca Muster .  When we are able to, we hold an autumn gathering in North Yorkshire, an area closely tied to our early Metcalfe roots in beautiful Wensleydale and the Yorkshire Dales.  Bring along family & friends and meet up with potential Family connections.

Why not join one of the world’s larger one-name family history society's?

You can join The Metcalfe Society by contacting Membership Secretary (see Contacts) or Join Online Here