Member Services

Since being established in 1980, The Metcalfe Society has aimed to encourage research into those families bearing the Metcalfe surname (or one of the spelling variants of it), through the interchange of information and assistance.  The Society is open to anyone with an interest in researching Metcalfe ancestors.

In order to do this, there are many facilities and information services available within The Metcalfe Society. This information will help you decide whether you wish to join the society and  make the most of your membership.

What do members receive, or gain access to, by being a member?

When you join the society, you receive a Welcome Letter which provides details of your Membership Number and Password to enable you to access the various facilities The Society offers.

Over many years The Society published a journal -
the "The Mecca News" three times per year.  Members were encouraged to contribute articles for publication together with ‘ requests for help.   Previous editions of the "Mecca News" are available online, see  index of back issues of Mecca News   for content of previous editions.

Online Newsletter
We now publish the same information bi-monthly as an e-newsletter.  This is the main regular communication with our members on a general basis.  While we appreciate that not all members have access to online facilities, we do send out hard copies of the e-newsletter to those members who have not provided an email address - purely to keep you up to date on projects, actions, events and news from both The Society and other affiliations eg Federation of Family History Societies.

If you join during the year, you will be sent all that year's issues of the eNewsletter

Access to Society computer-based records
The ever-growing comprehensive computer-based records are The Society’s most important and valuable assets, a summary of which is outlined below.  Before members do personal research, they can check with our Archivist, as part of the research may have already been completed.  Members are entitled to searches by sending queries, together with a stamped addressed envelope by post, or alternatively via email, directly to our Archivist, (see Contacts).  Non-members will only be offered a short search - 15-30 minutes for free, and then will be advised if a longer search is necessary.  In this case, they will be required to pay £20 per search and 50p per page.

The following sources of information are available for members to access securely directly from our website - see the Members Room.

  • Computer Index holding over 111,000 entries - each one, a Metcalfe, taken from family trees, census returns etc. This is now available directly to members to search.  See the Members Room for secure access.
  • All Metcalfes 1837-1940 from the Births, Marriages and Deaths in the Indexes of General Registration records   (ie those previously held at St Catherine’s House & now held at the Family Records Centre, London).
  • Metcalfe Wills that The Society volunteers have already transcribed - one of our ongoing projects.
  • The Hearth Tax from Michaelmas 1662 to Lady Day 1666 and Michaelmas 1669 to Lady Day 1674.
  • List of Lists  These lists were compiled when the Society was first formed in the 1980's and 1990's, and were taken directly from Register Offices, Archive Centres and other record repositories by those early members.  You may find data that has already been researched & submitted to The Society.

Also the following data are available via queries to our Archivist (see  Contacts):

  • All the Metcalfe entries on the IGI (International Genealogical Index compiled by the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints - the Mormons) 1992 edition, covering the whole world.
  • All Metcalfes in Census Returns - 1881 for the whole of England, Scotland, Wales & the Channel Islands; & 1891 for Yorkshire, Durham, Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmorland, Lincolnshire & Nottinghamshire.
  • Overseas records include Australia BMD Indexes 1841-1920, New Zealand BMD Index 1848-1899, Tasmania Pioneers Index 1803-99, Canada Manitoba CR 1891.


Archivist Research Service

When you join The Metcalfe Society, we ask you to send us a summary of the information you hold about your Metcalfe line(s).  Our archivist will then check that information against our vast sources and update wherever possible.  With many of the forenames used again and again within families, and up and down the generations, it can be very easy to choose the wrong line.  Indeed, our archivist has sometimes corrected a member’s family history due to such an easy error that has been made.  This is because The Society not only holds such a vast amount of data, but every piece of data is supported by its source.  So we are able to validate everything.

The archivist will then return to you, your ‘Birth Brief’ which outlines your full Metcalfe line as we can identify, and also notify you of the various branches you are linked to and the members to whom you are related.

Then as more information comes into The Society, if it updates your family tree, the archivist will let you know.  This service on its own is worth far more than just a one year membership of The Society.

If you have any specific queries as you do your own research, you can always contact the Archivist for advice and guidance (see  Contacts)


The Birth Brief Booklet

As a new member you will receive your own Birth Brief, which will also be published in the next newsletter, so that all members can see if there are any new members who may be related to them.  You will also receive the latest copy of The Birth Brief Booklet which outlines the Birth Briefs of previous members since The Society started, up to the current publication date.

With consideration of your personal information, and more recently the GDPR, any Birth Brief will be listed under your Membership Number and Name only.  If you wish to make contact with any other Member listed in the BBB, or they need to contact you, the only way is through the Membership Secretary (see  Contacts We do not share your personal contact  information with anyone else.


The Book : ‘Metcalfe - History of the Clan’  

In October 1998, after 4 years work, the society published the book "Metcalfe - History of the Clan".  It is the definitive history of the Metcalfes which should adorn the shelves of any Metcalfe Family Historian.  Have you got your copy?  If not, why not?

The book will also make a great Christmas or Birthday present for family members.  Those with an interest in the Dales, Yorkshire, social history and family history in general will find this book highly appealing.  The first edition of 1,000 copies sold out within a year with a reprinted second edition following equally as quickly.  We are now on our 3rd reprint of the volume.  Members (and non-members) can buy this acclaimed book here.  There is also an electronic versio available if you are short on shelf space and would like to browse now and then.

The Mecca Muster & AGM

This event used to be The Society’s annual gathering, held in the autumn each year in the North Riding of Yorkshire, home of the Metcalfes.  During the Covid epidemic, the Mecca Muster was presented online, and then as a hyrbid event, with live meetings as well as access online.  The live event in future will be held less often than before but will still provide members with an opportunity to study all of our records, meet with correspondents and newly discovered relatives.  Society publications and other articles will be available for sale.  The online event has proved more convenient with members overseas who have joined the meeting, despite the sometimes unsociable hour.


Publications & Merchandise

The Metcalfe Society hold and have created a number of Metcalfe-related publications, general family history research publications and Metcalfe merchandise (badges, mugs, .usb cards, notebooks) - all of which are available to purchase via mail order.  A price list/order form is available online at  ordered online or by contacting The Metcalfe Shop coordinator (see  Contacts).



Members can become involved with and/or reap the benefits of a number of projects that are currently being coordinated by individuals and groups within The Society.  Follow the links below to find about more about each of these projects :